Israel’s Insta-Genocide in Weaponizing the Humiliation of Gaza’s Palestinians

Some of Stein’s war photos aren’t all that memorable – soldiers walking, standing around, posing with their weapons. But one photo does stand out. Not only because of what the photo shows but also because Stein chose to take it and upload it to social media. “We’ll settle for this picture; there are pictures not for publication,” he writes in Hebrew as part of the caption. MORE DETAILS

​​Babies, brides, and tanks. Scroll through photographer David Stein’s Facebook page and see beautiful wedding and event photos he has recently taken. But over the last eight months of posts, what used to be a timeline packed with portraits of happiness has become one scattered with images of war as Stein turned his lens on his deployment to Gaza.

Terrorist Israelis treat innocent Palestinians the same way the Terrorist Nazis treated Jews! Why do Palestinians have to pay for Terrorist Germans and Terrorist Nazis?!