Every Christian is Complicit in Palestinian Genocide!

Jews end up with inescapable results of their own tragedies as Gentiles become the inescapable tragedy of the Jews!

Every Christian is Complicit in Palestinian Genocide!

Every Christian who supports Israel is complicit in Palestinian genocide, including killing Palestinian newborn babies, men, and women because Christians are the ones who are worshipping Jews and spoiled them for 2000 years! That is why Jews think and believe that they are chosen people. Billions of Christians have been worshipping a Jewish man called Jesus, and so they have been protecting Jews, providing to them, killing millions of Muslims, and allowing Israelis to steal Muslim oil and lands. For all those reasons, Jews are thoroughly convinced that Christians can do anything for them! That is how Jews think and look at it; therefore, they believe that as long as Christians are protecting Jews, they can get away with anything, including massacring Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank, stealing their land, raping their women, killing Palestinian youth for organ harvesting, imprison them, controlling their water, power, food, income, freedom, lives, animals, farms, and so on…

Almost every Christian Country has been on the side of Israel and Jews regardless of the event! Below are just a few of them…

  • Americans

  • Canadians

  • Germans

  • French

  • British

  • Italians

  • Australians

  • Austrians

  • And the majority of other Christian nations…

Where will this end?! You have given intelligence, common sense, logic, and instinct. Why aren’t you using it? Spoiling Jews is not helping Jews either because it’s a trap for Jews. Like a parent tells their kid, they can get anything, become anything, and have complete freedom to do anything!!! Then, the child tries dangerous things and ends up in crisis because his mom and dad told them they could do whatever, and there were no consequences! When Israelis do that, they all end up in crises because they have been given unlimited freedom and support by their worshippers called Christians. That is why Jews end up with inescapable results of their own tragedies as Gentiles become the inescapable tragedy of the Jews!

Who is using whom? Do Christians use Jews, or do Jews use Christians to massacre innocent Palestinians for worldly possessions such as oil and land?! Just like Americans massacred millions of Kurds, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Japanese, Yemenis,  Lebanese, and so on… It is all about Oil and Money! How much Money or Oil did George Bush take with him when he died?! And how much money and land did Ariel Sharon take with him when he died?!

Don’t you realize that this life is only a temporary passage and that you will die in a million ways and will be judged for what you have done and didn’t do in your worldly life?!